
Other than running errands, getting a haircut, manicure etc., why do I need Respite care? All I'll do is worry while I'm gone.

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I would like to add that respite points throughout each day are life savers. You do not have to live your life around your person’s every need. Some things can wait. There are various ways to make space for yourself throughout the day. Make sure you have a lovely place to sit close to where she spends most of her time. I have a rocker, book shelf, foot stool, so many flowers out the patio door which is two feet away that I feel I am in a flower shop…I bought them small and keep them watered. I keep fresh air flowing in by opening patio door and fans, I keep my knitting and writing close by. Be sure to keep ready to eat meals that you buy or make so you can just pop them into the microwave for her. Don’t take what they say to heart. They won’t remember it later and it comes from a deteriorating brain. Keep favorite treats at hand. Get a cheap little echo dot or other easy player and you just say, I want to listen to NPR news, or slow jazz, or Irish hymns. Use all the gadgets they sell. Monitors the buzz when she is trying to get up, etc. My mother likes the same thing for breakfast every day and I quit trying to make her “special” things…she does not remember what she eats 2 min afterwards. I make sure we have plants of clothes, sheets, required/necessary items so I don’t have to worry about that. I am in a senior building. If in need of friends, I put in some cookies to bake, open the door and put up a sign “come in and share hot cookies from the oven.” Order what you need from Amazon do everything you can on line. Free yourself, for yourself. Find those things that bind you that you can change and do it. My husband vacuums, does laundry, unloads dishes etc. The only thing we agree he won’t do is cook. Yes you need to a whole day sometimes but often you just need your day back…and that is so much more possible than you might think.
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to RetiredBrain
BELyons Sep 26, 2024
Thank you for that reply. It sounds like you have it down. I am dealing with my husband’s dementia, too and he is a challenge. Trying to learn as much as I can to survive.
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Well if you can't do anything but worry while you're out and about then perhaps "respite" isn't for you.
But for all the other caregivers that I know including myself, respite was/is of utmost importance, as we understood/understand the importance of self care and that we matter too in the equation.
And sometimes respite is just getting away for few hours to get a mani/pedi or going to the grocery store or to church or lunch with friends. Just anything to get away from the hardest job there is and that is caregiving.
It doesn't have to be a few days or a week, but whatever is best for you and the one that you're caring for.
Trust me when I tell you that you will know if and when you need to get away for longer than just a few hours here and there.
And remember that worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair on your front porch. It gives you something to do, but it gets you absolutely nowhere.
So please take care of yourself in whatever ways you can, so you're not in the statistic of 40% of caregivers dying before the one they're caring for from stress related issues.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to funkygrandma59

No situation is the same. Most caregivers have more stress than you seem to be having.

I think with most people, its not the actual work as you say, but often dealing with difficult personalities. (in my case, my mom is difficult, there is no way I could be difficult)

That said, while you may not have much of a need for one, you may still need one just as people who are happy in their jobs need a vacation now and then
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Karsten
waytomisery Sep 26, 2024
You said it Karsten ,

It’s the personalities that can make it impossible sometimes .
Refusing to believe they need help , manipulation , guilt trips etc .
3 out of 4 of our parents ( hubs and me ) very difficult . We are on the last ( difficult ) one . She may prove to be the worst of the lot . Cooperation would go a long way .
If you get to the point you really need respite , it is wise for your own health . Your health matters too and respite can help you to continue caregiving (if that’s what you want) .

We send our kids to school , there is always some worry . But we aren’t with them 24/7 . It’s rare to be 24/7 as a caregiver without it eventually taking a toll and caregiver needing respite .

It doesn’t hurt to leave respite as an option in the future . Never say never .

Good Luck .
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to waytomisery

There is a difference between having a caregiver for a few hours (I would not call that Respite.) and having Respite where you do not have to do any caregiving duties for a week so you actually get a break.
Burn out is real.
This is one of the reasons that people take vacations from their jobs.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Grandma1954

You need alternative caregiver in case you are sick or injured or need to be in the hospital.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Taarna

If you have a really good caregiver that you trust your loved one with, then you won't worry when you are gone. At first I felt the same way - I worried. Worried my husband wouldn't get the attention he deserved or that the worker would be on the phone or watching TV; worring that I had to be out of the home or the Respite worker would want to leave early, especially if my husband took a nap. But then I got a wonderfully attentive worker who interacted with my husband and attended to his needs. I could take a nap, pay bills, go out, or just relax and read. And it is marvelous. I didn't know how much I needed the break until I got a worker I trusted would care for him and I could truly relax. Please don't sell yourself short. If you worry when gone, please figure out why and address it with the worker or the agency.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JanPeck123
NeedHelpwMIL Sep 27, 2024
Very good insights. Spot on guidance! Thanks for sharing your perspective and your experience.
Worrying while you're gone will make you ill in the end.You need to learn how to switch off. If you don't, you'll burn out.

Also, if you're not to die before the person who you're looking after, you will need to know how to live when you are no longer a caregiver.

Lastly, you can't wrap your loved one in cotton wool. You cannot prevent any harm befalling them because you are just one person. You are human and not all powerful.

You need rest and you need to not lose yourself by becoming subsumed beneath the life, the wants and needs, of the person who you are caring for.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to MiaMoor

I think what YOU personally need is as individual as your own fingerprint. It is up to YOU to decide. None of us can know the circumstances, how easy or hard your daily life is, how much personal time you can cut for yourself or how much personal time you even need. This is all up to the individual. I think when we are honest with ourselves we know what we need, know when we waited too long to address it, know when we are OK, basically.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Even full time jobs only require 40 hour work weeks for most, and an hour lunch with a couple of 15 minute breaks thrown in. And 2 days off per week are given. In Europe and Australia, they feel sorry for the poor Americans who get a lousy 2 weeks vacation a year vs the 6 weeks or more they get. Yet you have no issue working 24/7/365 doing hands on caregiving which is physical, mental and emotional work? With a hour or 2 off here and there?

If you enjoy your job, don't take any respite. If the day comes when you no longer ask the question "why do I need respite?", then you'll know exactly why you need it and you'll choose to take it.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to lealonnie1

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