
My mother-in-law has Alzheimer's and we hav the same problem. We feed her 3 small meals a day...with snacks in between. Whatever she wants....high carbs and fat....she just keeps losing weight. I can not believe qwhat she eats and then she doesn't put on a poud! Is this an Alzheimer's trait?

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Not necessarily. She should have a checkup to see if something else is going on. It's common for people to lose weight with age, but if she is alarmingly thin that's a concern. Also, since she eats well and still loses weight, she may have another ailment. Please have a doctor examine her.
Take care,
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I agree with Carol. lf indeed she is eating well she should not be losing weight. In my experience some folks with AD (alzheimer's disease) gain weight, because they forget that they have eaten. However in later stages yes they do lose weight. I would take her for an exam... take care
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I agree with MindingOurElders. I'd like to add that some with Altzheimer's move around quite a bit - walking, jittering, swinging their arms, and so on. Their constant movements can result in weight loss even though they seem to be eating often. So, for some, AD actually does cause weight loss.
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that is a good point Nbetts... If she is restless and pacing that could make a big differance with her weight!
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My mom lost weight too, as her memory failed. But I also notice some
times she eats a lot and other times almost nothing. She will claim to
be starving but by the time we get the snack out she says she can't eat a bite
She is also diabetic but has good control. Other times she says she isn't hungry but when we eat the meal, she eats it too. She never remembers that she just ate though. Mostly she worries that the rest of us aren't getting any food.
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I took my father into the VA clinic where he is seen and he had a 6 pound weight loss. I asked the PA about the loss and she didn't seem concerned at all.
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My Mother is in the advanced stage of AD. She is now bed ridden; eats well. Because of lack of movement her muscles have atrophied. And she also losing weight, but this could be because she is always holding her head up; as in a "crunch" position, thus using core strength. Plus everything is now pureed so maybe it just goes through her system quicker?
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I've cared for dozens of Alzheimer's victims, and very few gain weight, despite eating 6-8 meals a day because they walk away from the table and have forgotten they have eaten and come back, sometimes getting very upset if they do not get another meal. This is mainly because they go from being very sedentary to constant wandering. I never cease to be amazed at how many calories they burn at this stage, with their pacing, searching, jumpy legs, clapping hands, etc. My own mother has just been diagnosed and loses interest in a meal if the slightest movement distracts her. I can leave her at a plate of food and find her in the living room minutes later eating M&Ms, her favorite, with no recollection that I served her a meal. Long story short, it is what it is. My siblings and I have agreed not to drain her funds with test after test if she doesn't appear in perfect health. Just love them. Put the worry away for the kids. Just love them.
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If my dad isn't able to open a package that he wants to eat something from he just puts it down and goes back to bed. He has a habit of opening cereal boxes from the bottom and then doesn't fold the inner liner over so when I go to get the box to check it sometimes the whole box contents is on the floor. I never yell I just clean it up and put it in the container for the chickens. How do I get him to close the cereal up after he opens it or is it just a lost cause.
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Why don't you put the cereal in something he could handle, like a plastic container or a jar. Could he handle opening that? And make it clear so he can see what is inside.
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my 88 year old aunt has AD and she forgets that she just ate and says that she is very hungry and wants to eat, but it could be just minutes or an hour that she'd finish eating ,so should we feed her every time she say's she's hungry . Because we've noticed that if she eat's to much she will get diariah
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