My cousin who just lost her mother wants to come and visit mom on a regular basis. It would be great since my mom misses her sister, but I just found out my cousin has MRSA. Mom is frail, 78 pounds and soon will turn 91.
How do I politely tell my cousin no and not cause a family rift? I know my cousin would not want to do anything to put my mom in health problems. Help!
I would politely say that once she is fully cured then she is more than welcome for a visit - she just lost her mom but she wouldn't want you to lose yours because she visited - you might even ask to see something from her dr that she is free & clear of MRSA as a precaution but that could be tricky - it would be good if someone else had a cold & was asked to postpone too so that she isn't the only one singled out -
Then on her first visit make a bit of an event out of it because she is healthy again with maybe a special cake or such
Now depending on who does the dressing, and if you're cousin is the one who does it, she would need to take those precautions when she does the dressing, and good hand washing technique after removing the gloves. If this is how it occurs, then there would be no issue in providing meals to your mom, giving you a break and needed time for visits for her and your mom, in the loss of the sister/mom.
Someone else said and was exactly right on the money that the media displays scare tactics in everything including MRSA.
There is more false, misleading, uninformed information in this thread about MRSA then there should be. You really do not want to end up being so paranoid about illnesses/infections and make sure you get the correct information from a medical person. I am a Registered Nurse.
I'm just trying to figure out why cousin would even consider going to a long term care facility with that kind of infection. It's really odd to me. I would think that an average person would find that completely unacceptable. I know someone who's husband had it once and he was not allowed to return to his job until it was cleared up with a doctor's note. If I discovered that visitors were coming in with that and my LO was there, I'd be livid, to say the least.
If you have to, explain that the doctor says no visitors who have infections, then, I wouldn't concern myself with her or any other family member's opinion, because, they obviously lack common sense.
My cousin wants to visit my mom since mom is an interesting Aunt. I don’t feel comfortable with doctors answer. I like your answer though.
Gown and glove and mask.
Washing hands prior to gowning and gloving dispose of the gown, gloves and mask after use then wash hands again after.
And I would say no direct contact, no handshake, hug or kisses.
Tell the truth it might be that your cousin could possibly be the safest person to visit.
Your cousin knows about the infection, you know about the infection and can take precautions. Think about the people that visit that you do not know if they are infectious or not. there is the Flu, a Cold, Shingles, C.dif, a whole host of other infections that someone may have and not be aware of. As long as we are in good health our bodies do a wonderful job of fighting off all sorts of things so that little bit of stomach upset might well have been a Norwalk virus or some sort of food poisoning that you fought off. Both of those are contagious that could have been passed on but your body fought it off.
The best way to explain is to politely explain that MRSA is something a 91 year old person should be exposed and suggest the alternative mean of communication via Skype where people can see each other. Another alternative mode is Google smart devices that have camera and screen that allow people make video calls without the danger of infection.
Take some me time for yourself while she is visiting mom.
Great job - well done!
I would rather take more safety measures as JoAnn29 said as I am responsible for mom.
I cannot tell each one of you how much it has meant to be able to get each one’s opinions. It really made my decision easier. Thank you all.
We all have germs. People with germs interact with your mom all the time. I wouldn't deny your mom the pleasure of a visit. She can share her grief with your cousin and also provide comfort to your cousin. I would try to allow her to have that experience.
I know this sounds selfish but you are going to have to deal with the repercussions if Mom contracts it. I think you have enough on your plate.
Good that you r asking her doctor.
The 1st time I visited my friend all suited up, she asked why and I told her that I thought I had a cold coming on and I didn't want her to catch it. She was good after that, even though it was 3 months before she passed, never came up again.
Get yourself educated and you will feel so much better.
Can you not explain to mom about the protective measures?
Maybe start with visits while you are there, she may not be able to help with meals or even caregiving but a nice visit?
No one here can advise you as well as her doctor, he may even be able to talk to her doctor or review cousins medical records to help determine if she puts mom at risk. If cousin gives permission that is.
Or is this a situation that you just don't really want her around for some personal reasons?
I visited a dying friend that had MRSA, her own family would stand at the door all of 60 seconds to say hi, I suited up, then I was free to hold her hand, kiss her forehead and rub her arms and legs, I never once worried about moving it from the room, I disrobed at the door and washed my hands well.
I fear that we miss life by trying to have quantity and not enough quality. MRSA exists in our world, nurses, doctors, delivery people, et al can expose us, a little prevention is all that is required. (If I remember correctly, it is something that is everywhere and most of us are healthy enough that is doesn't effect us.) Think about your cousin going about her normal daily routine and all of the places she goes and people she comes in contact with, and she is just 1 person. I am not directing any criticism towards anyone, we as a nation have been scared to death by the media portrayal of communicable diseases and quite frankly, research shows they are fear mongers. Yes. Caution should be used but not complete avoidance.
Have cousin limit physical contact and suit up with gloves and mask at front door, explain to all that she has a condition that is better not shared with mom. Also, wash moms hands after cousin leaves, she should be fine and think of how good it will do her heart to be loved by your cousin.
You can order the same gowns, gloves and masks that hospital uses on line or hospice might be willing to give you a box of each. I also covered my hair so I could visit others in hospital without worrying I would harm them.
Hugs for taking care of mom, inside and out.