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Go with her to the doctors, and get as much information as you can about the operation. I'm sure the doctors will do bloodwork to confirm that she is able to have the operation, and what will be expected afterwards.

Discuss the complications of NOT having the surgery and although this sounds like negative thinking, perhaps what she needs to have done, is much less than what CAN happen if left untreated.

The link above will give YOU more information that may help you in this conversation.
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Mia Madre hit the nail on the head. Don't delay.
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The doctor can probably best reassure her and he can help her see the concerns he would have ifshe does not have the operation.
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I would go with the opinion of the doc---but as said go with her to get all the information..I then would go for a 2nd opinion on the matter...This infact might re-assure of the importance of such a procedure, Bwfore the condition can get worse--I would do this A S A P.

Good luck!

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Just support her, and let u know that u know she is definetely strong enough to handlle this and more!!!! THis is something that cannot and u will not let be put on the back burner, all u can do is show your support, and make her know that she is for sure strong enough, and what the consquenses would be if it isnt addressed! God luck and keep us posted!
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