
My brother talks to my deceased mother and other family that’s deceased. In my question is is he in his last stage? He asks me stuff like do I see them, in that they are present in that they are talking to him. This is the first time I had to go through something like this with a close family member so I don’t know. He's in nursing home on hospice right now.

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Given that he has been accepted into Hospice you already know that the pros consider him to be end stage. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence of people seeing deceased loved ones or angels as they near the end of life, on the other hand there are probably many less reported people who see those things as hallucinations long before the end. I think the best any of us can do is to take things one day at a time and to trust our instincts.
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If he is in Hospice, they are very accurate.
Scary accurate. So, he is most likely in his last stage with X amount of time ahead.

At the end, they do start talking to all their relatives who have passed away..

Hospice explains that as "they are transitioning"

Remember, they lose the hearing capacity until the very end. Be careful what you say around him.

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Odd that so many people prefer to believe in 'hallucinations' or require 'scientific evidence' before believing a person approaching end of life is actually speaking with departed loved ones who are awaiting their arrival, isn't it? I know your brother is speaking with his loved ones who are eagerly awaiting his arrival so they can all be reunited once again in perfect peace.

It's very difficult to watch their decline towards the end; I know, it watched it with my dear father who passed in 2015. I miss him terribly, but I know he's happy and dancing again instead of suffering the miseries of a brain tumor and inability to walk.

I'd agree with your brother that you see the same family members he's seeing when you're together and he's asking. I'm sure it will give him comfort to know that.

Wishing you all the best, and sending you a big hug this evening.
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I'm not familiar with the stages but my father's medicine was changed and he refused to go to bed because he was seeing deceased people in his sleep. When the neurologist readjusted the medicine, the situation was resolved.
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