
My Step-Mother is caring for my father who was diagnosed with brain cancer earlier this year. My sisters and I live in Columbus so we are unable to be there to help as much as we would like. He fell last week and broke his back, so it is becoming seemingly more difficult to care for him. She focuses all of her time on him and I am worried about her well-being. I have searched for a support group and can only find forums such as this. Really looking for a place she can get support and find that she is not alone in this.

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Sorry to be so late in answering your question. Call your County Agency on Aging and ask if they have a list of support groups in that area.

Would Step-Mom be able to leave the house to attend support group meetings? Can Dad be left alone for that time frame? If not, have your Step-Mom come into our forum and ask any questions she wants. We are here to help her.
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It is good of you to be concerned and supportive.

Try calling the American Cancer Society branch in Lima. Such organizations often have lists of support groups.

Is your father getting treatments? Call that facility and ask about support groups.

United Way or other community charities may have such information. Call the Salvation Army. Sometimes churches sponsor support groups. Calling all the churches in Lima would be a daunting task, but might yield results.

Talk to a hospital social worker. Call oncology clinics.

Try the Brain Injury Association website or phone number. I imagine that some aspects of caring for someone with a brain injury might be similar to caring for a person with brain cancer. ?

In-person support groups can be invaluable, but they are often hidden gems. I hope you find one!
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