
What is best way to mark clothing with someone's name and room number, so it survives a facility washing machine? I can't seem to get a Sharpie to write clearly on different fabrics and the little iron on tapes don't seem to stick. Any ideas?

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My mother's nh does all the marking.
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I used permanent, waterproof markers to write on iron-on tape. I ironed the tape on the inside of shirts, right below the collar. For the pants, I ironed the tape on the back seam on the inside. For underwear, on elastic bands or sometimes I just used a permanent marker on the undershirts.

After several washings, the tape did start to come off.

With socks, I just marked directly on the socks. The markings are still there, 2 years after they were applied.

Ideally the ends of the tape would be sewn on.

I used the Sharpie markers as well, but they were fresh at the time. I'm not sure how well they would last a few years later.
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Mallory, after trying to figure this out, the folks at the NH said "oh don't worry, we'll do that ". Make sure that you need to do this before you try to figure it out.

For my kids' camp stuff, years ago, I had stamps made up with their names and used an indelible ink pad.
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You can get iron on name tags made up fairly inexpensively, I see amazon sells them but there are lots of other places as well. They are guaranteed not to fade and couldn't be easier to apply, I even put them on the tongue of the kids shoes years ago.
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Thanks for the iron on label ideas, I did check online and there's lots of vendors out there. The knit shirts and cardigans are the worst, and the socks, wow is it difficult to write on them!
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Have you tried StampAllYourClothes? I have been using it for several years and it is just perfect! It works even in socks! Check the link bellow:
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Cash's name tapes. I hope you like sewing!
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I used a thick Sharpie marker. I wrote her name underneath the labels on the back of her shirts, pj's everything. I never had any problem with it washing out- it did not.
I still have a few of her shirts upstairs.
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