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At this time he is not capable of making any decisions or signing anything on his own
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This raises an interest personal rights issue. Does anyone have the right legally to take photos of another person and without his or her knowledge and/or consent post them in a public forum, or semipublic forum?

I don't know the answer to that. But I suspect it's going to eventually be the subject of lawsuits which reach the higher courts because of the proliferation of people taking photos and making videos without permission.

Mox, if the photos are unflattering, such as showing your father with his mouth open, comatose, etc., you might find a provision in the POA giving you authority to act if someone compromises his dignity, embarrasses and/or harasses him.

Has your father expressed an opinion on this?
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One of the sweetest pictures I've seen on my family fb postings has been my aunt two days before she died. My nephew's wife took a picture of her lying in bed. She was old and dying, so it would be shocking to someone outside of family. To family, though, it was just the woman we knew in her final hours. The picture was in good taste.
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I agree there may not be much you can do,, but I sure would let them know it's tacky and tasteless
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A big question, Mox, would be why you find the pictures offensive. Do they show anything private or do you think they would be offensive to your father? Are the pictures posted publicly or only to family? I wouldn't think twice about posting a picture of my mother to family on fb if the picture was in good taste. I know that family would be interested in seeing the pictures, even if they were at a sad time.
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Are you referring to Facebook? If so, and you can't get your sisters to pull the pics and/or stop them from posting more, you might try contacting the sites administrators. Try throwing around abbreviations like "POA" and "Hippa" and you might get some assistance from them.
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I wonder if the HIPAA laws come into play here. If your sister isn't on the HIPAA form where the hospital or your Dad's doctors have written notice that it is ok to give her information, I think she could be violating the privacy act under HIPAA by posting photos.
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You mean on Facebook or something? I don't think it is illegal to post them on their own page, since viewing is selective. You may want to ask them to preserve his dignity and remember him as their father and not just an object on display.
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