
She often hides things and does not remember. She would then accuse her home care givers or even neighbors. Sometimes she would go to neighbors to ask for help but they are just afraid of interacting with her because of the past incidents. Big writing on the door won’t do. What else can I do?

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She is no longer "independent". She needs oversight for her own protection and that of others. It's not the other neighbors' responsibility to solve this -- they don't have the legal power to do so and shouldn't have to. Who is her DPoA? If her behavior doesn't get addressed, someone might wind up calling APS to report her.
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This kind of behavior usually indicates that the
patient needs more supervision.

Home care may not be in her best interests, unless 24 hour care is available for her.
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Blake, it sounds like your mom needs a higher level of care than is provided where she currently lives.

Have you looked into Memory Care?
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Blake, your profile says that your mom has dementia.
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